Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lazy Saturday

After a great breakfast of WW apple pancakes, bacon and eggs its time to relax!  Just kidding.  Even though I do feel like I could take a nap right about now.

I made the pancakes using a recipe from the Joy of Cooking.  I find that for pretty standard recipes, you really can't get any better.  I also added one grated apple to the mix.  Then, my favorite, I put sour cream and sugar on top.  Apparently this is quite strange, but is normal in my family!

Its a gray day out there so it will be tough to get motivated to go out there and do something.  Hopefully we'll get motivated enough to go for a run or hike up in Forest Park.  Its less busy on rainy days.

Last night we had an epic Netflix fail!  It started with the movie about the guy who invented intermittent windshield wipers, I just couldn't watch it!  Not sure why, something about watching a train wreck in progress was just not going to happen.  Then, we watched two sad episodes of House.  Once all this was over, A found his new favorite show on Discovery Channel...."Snowmen."  Once they mentioned a traffic jam as a "red snake" I had to leave.  I then watched Anthony Bourdain and all was well.

Since I seem to be writing in reverse order...the cauliflower cake was delicious!  Strange, and delicious.  It was like a quiche, but without a crust.

Time to clean!


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