Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sunny Wednesday!!!

Penney is jealous of my oatmeal :)  
My day is starting out right, with a delicious Pumpkin Spice Latte....yum!  Soon to be followed by PB+Banana oatmeal.

Today is my designated 'work at home and write my thesis' day!  It is going to be interrupted by two caterer phone calls, I hope they go well.  We have lots of decisions to make with the catering, and considering it is the most expensive part of this wedding shin-dig, its pretty important.  I think one thing that is making it easier is that we have a list of 'preferred' caterers from our venue, so that is helping narrow down the probably endless amount of caters in Portland.

That's enough wedding stuff for one day :)  OH, I lied.  I created two "Pinterest" boards with some of the wedding inspiration stuff I have been collecting.  I created one called Wedding and the other one is Wedding Dresses.  My friend Lori shared this with me, and I think that its better to have a bunch of images instead of endless bookmarks or Google Reader stars.

Paco is not impressed.
One other thing, since I originally wanted this to be a food blog and failed at that, I started a Google Docs spreadsheet with recipes I have tried (they usually have a comment) and then other ones that I have collected.  The link is on the right hand side of the page, and while the spreadsheet isn't the prettiest thing in the world, I hope it'll work for me!!!

Lots to do today.  Time to listen to the latest Planet Money podcast (which, btw, if you have never listened to it, I would highly recommend it!)


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