Thursday, November 18, 2010

Work at home Wednesday was a success!

I had an extremely productive day at home  yesterday!  I went for a good run with the dogs, and luckily I timed it before the storm came.

Then, it rained.
and was windy.
and rained some more.

I started the 100 push up and 200 sit up challenge yesterday by doing the initial test for both.
I did 6 push ups (kind of pathetic, but I am not surprised); and 90 sit ups (which is the level below the highest one).  Anyway, I think this is a good benchmark, and I am looking forward to continuing this process!!!

I also bought a turkey for Thanksgiving.  It is strange to go grocery shopping in the middle of the day!  But also quite refreshing.......and much less annoying.

I also got some work done (shocking, I know!).  I also found out that it was GIS Day yesterday!  and then, we discovered this video through a friend:

It is awesome!  and nerdy.  Meanwhile, I made some pizza for dinner last night.  The pizza included red peppers, mushrooms, red onions, and turkey pepperoni/red sauce on one, then ricotta cheese mixed with basil on the other.  My crust was slightly off, but not too much.  

The storm seems to have moved through now, and we biked into work this morning.  It is MUCH colder out though!  BUT, that means snow in the mountains and I can't wait to get out XC skiing this weekend!

But, first, its time to get some thesis work done!  Onwards!


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